Lirik lagu Ramadhan Gana Translate English - Maher Zain 2023
Maher Zain - Ramadan Gana - ماهر زين - رمضان جانا
إصحى يا نايمO you who is asleep, wake up
وحّد الدّايم
And profess your belief in the unity of the Everlasting
لا إله إلا الله
There is no god but Allah
رمضان كريم
Have a blessed Ramadan
فوانيس الحارة تنوّر
Our neighborhood's lanterns are lit
تحكي عن ضيف جديد
Announcing the arrival of a new guest
يملأ قلبي أفراح
Who will fill my heart with joy
ويخلّي الدنيا عيد
And will turn our days into one big celebration
رمضان جانا
Ramadan has come back to us
وفرحنا به
And its arrival has brought us so much joy
بعد غيابه
After being gone for so long
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan
غنّوا وقولوا شهر بطوله
Sing along and say, all month long
غنّوا وقولوا
Sing along and say
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan
رمضان جانا
Ramadan has come back to us
وصوت الداعي فينا يبان
And the voice of the caller rises amongst us
بيندهنا بكل أذان
Calling us with each call to prayer (Adhan)
يقول حيّ على القرآن
Saying: Come to the Qur'an
ويملأ قلوبنا بالإيمان
And filling our hearts with faith (IMAN)
و ترجع لمّة الأحباب
Loved ones gather together once again
ونسمع دقّة الأبواب
And we hear the sounds of doors being knocked on by guests
وسفرة حب تجمعنا
And a dinner table filled with love gathers us
تلم الشمل بعد غياب
Reuniting us after we were apart for so long
رمضان جانا
Ramadan has come back to us
وفرحنا به
And its arrival has brought us so much joy
بعد غيابه
After being gone for so long
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan
غنّوا وقولوا شهر بطوله
Sing along and say, all month long
غنّوا وقولوا
Sing along and say
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan
رمضان جانا
Ramadan has come back to us
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